Thursday 26 May 2011

Empowering Nuggets & Statements

1)      You cannot follow the teachings of faith and your life remains empty and scattered like a broken pot.
2)      The level you are in today is just a ‘Station’ in the journey of life.
3)      Do you know the difference between you and the person you so admire who has made it in the journey of life lies in what he/ she knows as a matter of the discoveries he/she has made as he/she walked on the same road you aspire to pursue or you are pursuing.
4)      The secret of the greatness of men of who they are, and what they have is in their stories.
5)      We can be age mates, but not GRACE MATES.
6)       Grace distinguishes between boys of God and men of God.
7)      The amount of grace of God on your life determines your ranking in the God’s army and your speed in the race of life.
8)      Grace is transferable by association, ardent fellowship and unquenchable, unstoppable love, desire and loyal follow ship as Elisha was to Elijah.  
9)      Grace is multipliable as Apostle Peter tells us; Grace and Peace be Multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. (2nd. Peter 1:2)
10)  The product you want to produce tomorrow must be realized today.
11)  Life does not give what you want but that which you demand.
12)  Things in life do not just happen, they are caused to happen.
13)  The forest you expect in the future is in the seed form today.
14)  Laziness is not the inability to work hard, but it is the state of the mind.
15)  The journey of life is like a sea with all creatures such as whales, sharks, Hippos and crocodiles. The question is, why do some of us do swim through these great obstructers while others are eaten up by the same creatures?
16)  Importunity is of the essence of successful prayer life.
17)  The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on the knees.
18)  Prayer freshens the heart of the preacher, keeps it in tune with God and sympathy with the people, lifts his ministry out of the chilly air of profession, fructifies routine and moves every wheel with the facility and power of a divine unction.
19)  It is impossible for the preacher to keep his spirit in harmony with divine nature of his high calling without much prayer.
20)  Preaching is not a performance of an hour; it is an outflow of a life.
21)  As the life-giving milk from the mother’s breasts is but the mother’s life, so all the preachers says is life or death to the hearers depending on what the preacher is.
22)  The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through men, yea men of much prayer and holiness.
23)  The glory and the efficiency of the gospel is staked on the men who proclaim it.
24)  The preacher is the golden pipe through which the divine oil flows, the pipe must not only be golden, but open and flawless, that the oil may have a full, unhindered and unwasted flow.
25)  God’s true preachers have been distinguished by one great feature; they were men and women of prayer, even much prayer.
26)  God does not have any deals with casual Christians.
27)  A pulpit without much prayer will be a barren thing delivering letters to its audience; hence, the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.
28)  Prayer puts God in the matter with commanding force- Isaiah 45:11
29)  The story of every great Christian Achievement is the history of answered prayer.
 Always strive to be on top in your pursuit, for the bottom is over-crowded.

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